lo Squaderno no. 64 | Ghosts [Phantasmagorias]

lo Squaderno no. 64 – March 2023 | Ghosts [Phantasmagorias]

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Alberto Vanolo & Andrea Pavoni
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // VV.AA.

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Alberto Duman, Whiteness, Reloaded. Addressing the ghosts in reverse of the cities yet to exist
  3. Jamie-Scott Baxter, Dis/continuing in/justices-to-come in ‘ghost town’ Nava Raipur India
  4. Günter Gassner, Avenue of atrocities: modern phantasmagorias and the anti-modern
  5. Catherine Oliver and Liam Bates, Paradise 2.0: John Madin is haunting Birmingham
  6. Giuseppe Tomasella, Fantasmi presenti di un futuro narrato: Venezia in “La seconda mezzanotte” di Antonio Scurati
  7. Lacin Tutalar, Absent-present in Istanbul: The band that lost its stage, and the animal that lost its environment
  8. Gloria Toma, Riabitare i luoghi fantasma. Ripopolare i paesi passo dopo passo, verso dopo verso
  9. Stefano Tornieri, Roberto Zancan, Because the night. An archaeology of the image of modern phantasmagoria
  10. Salvatore Poier, Victor Navarro’s Ghost
  11. Jean-Paul Thibaud, Under the spell of Tokyo

lo Squaderno no. 63 – November 2022 | Holes & Tunnels

lo Squaderno no. 63 – November 2022 | Holes & Tunnels

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by //  Lorenzo Navone & Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Léa Byczinsk

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial / Editoriale
  2. Lorenzo Navone, Phenomenology of holesFenomenologia dei buchi
  3. Stef Jansen, Tunnel of Salvation, Tunnel of Accumulation
  4. Luca Giliberti & Jacopo Anderlini, The hole in the hotspot. Undocumented migration in Lampedusa between insularity and detention
  5. Antoine Hirel & Damien Simonneau, Tunnel Boring Machine. Play as third space to reconnect Palestinians and Israelis
  6. Jiayi Jin, Peel Street Caves and Archives Centre. Creating a new memory of underground spaces
  7. Ditte Bendix Lanng, Tina Vestermann Olsen & Simon Wind, Tunneling through Urban Modernity
  8. Antonello Boschi & Jacopo Boschi, Chiedi alla pioggia: i sottopassaggi fra ripari, squallori quotidiani e aspirazioni artistiche


lo Squaderno no. 62 | Ghosts [Crowds]

lo Squaderno no. 62 – July 2022 | Ghosts [Crowds]

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Alberto Vanolo & Andrea Pavoni
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // AnaMary Bilbao

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Cameron McEwan, Ghostwriting an authorship without aura
  3. James Thurgill, Spectral geography: ghostly narratives and the construction of place in a haunted Tokyo suburb
  4. Annaclaudia Martini, The ghosts of Ishinomaki: space, hauntings, and the materialized absences of disaster
  5. Roni Dorot and Daniel Monterescu, Phantoms of a bygone neighborhood life: spectral urbanism between Jaffa and Tel-Aviv
  6. Giulia de Spuches, Walking among the ghosts of colonialism. The haunting onomastic of Palermo
  7. Gabriella Palermo, Ghosts from the Abyss: the imagination of new worlds in the sea-narratives of Afrofuturism
  8. Thiago A. P. Hoshino and Mariana G. Bonadio, Cha(n/r)ting ghostly cities: an African-Brazilian hauntopology 
  9. Tim Edensor, A haunted childhood

lo Squaderno no. 61 | At Arm’s Length

lo Squaderno no. 61 – March 2022 | At Arm’s Length

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by //  Chiara Bassetti, Andrea Cossu & Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Wurmkos

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Nicholas DeMaria Harney, The anti-mass and unruly urban sociability. Social distancing as a clarification of publicness
  3. Tali Hatuka, The multiple role of distance
  4. Alice Brombin, Bolle di contatto e uso dello spazio pubblico. Sguardo sulle dinamiche interazionali degli studenti universitari nella città di Padova / Bubbles of social contact and the use of public space. Interactional dynamics among university students in the city of Padua
  5. R.L. Bince, Contagion is commonplace
  6. Salvatore Poier, Far away is no longer what it used to be. An interview with Mr Tiler, the Skype tile
  7. Simona Bordone, Wurmkos abita sempre

lo Squaderno no. 60 | Climate Turn

lo Squaderno no. 60 – November 2021 | Climate Turn

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by //  Anna Casaglia and Cristina Mattiucci
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Michele Tombolini

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Sarah Walker & Elena Giacomelli, Waste, space and mobility justice: interconnecting strands of the climate crisis as experienced in Dakar, Senegal
  3. Fausto Di Quarto, The Anthropocene and the urbanization of nature: towards sustainability?
  4. Giuseppina Forte, ‘Uninhabitable’ Spaces of Flooding in an Urban South
  5. Francesco Pasta, Between peripherality and resilience. Reflections on peripheral urbanization and urban resilience interventions in South-East Asia
  6. Marcello Di Paola, Visions for Urban Futures