lo Squaderno no. 44 – June 2017 | Deportations, Bans & Expulsions
a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Andreas Oberprantacher & Andrea Mubi Brighenti
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Stregoni – a project by Johnny Mox & Above the Tree
Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti
- Editorial
- Nicholas De Genova, The Autonomy of Deportation
- Judith Welz, Deportabilities. An essay on the complexity of a social condition
- Alexandra Délano Alonso, Revisiting the Concept of Sanctuary in an Era of Backlash, Deportations and Bans
- Martina Tazzioli, The expulsions of humanitarianism. The hampered channels of asylum in France
- Francesca Ansaloni, Multiple expulsions. Affective and material evictions in Calais
- Lars Breuls, Immigration policy communication in Belgium. Portraying forced removal as a means for crime control
- B Camminga, Catch and Release. Transgender Migrants and Opposite of Deportation in South Africa
- Alessandro De Giorgi, Note sul Neoliberismo Autoritario