lo Squaderno no. 53 – September 2019 | Neighbourhood Portraits
a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Andrea Mubi Brighenti, Cristina Mattiucci & Andrea Pavoni
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Enzo Umbaca
Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti
- Editorial
- Chima Michael Anyadike-Danes, You’ve got to be there to know it. Experiencing LA’s Koreatown
- Sara Bonfanti, Walking along in Southall. Changing frames of a fabled ghetto in greater London
- Fuad Musallam, A Hamra Crossroads. Particular Histories in the Historic Neighbourhood
- Nick Dines, Stop Pasolini. Excavating the social underbelly of a gentrifying neighbourhood in Rome
- Serena Olcuire, Quarticciolo, the perfect dimension. Decay, coexistence and resistance in a roman ecosystem
- The Housing History Collective, Tiny events. Tales of urban domesticity from Lingotto, a former working-class neighborhood in Turin
- Alessandro Coppola, The differentiation of the trivial. The bars in NoLo (Milan) as micro-publics in the age of urban super-diversification
- Lucia Baima & Angelo Caccese, Urbanism from within. An oblique gaze on Lavapiés
- Plácido Muñoz Morán, Imagining the future of Vallcarca. An ethnography of urban materials and their politics
- Luca Onesti, Da Tatavla a Kurtuluş. Storia e memoria di un quartiere greco di Istanbul
- Miriam Tedeschi, Multiple neighbourhoods. Affective manifold spaces in Turku
- Valeria Raimondi, ‘Free zone Exarchia’. Narratives of an antagonist neighbourhood
- Ilektra Kyriazidou, Complex intimacies in a Thessaloniki refugee neighborhood
- Giuseppina Forte, The Neighborhood in the Morro. Heterogeneity, Difference, and Emergence in a Periphery of the Global South