lo Squaderno no. 36, June 2015 | Impure Spaces
a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Andrea Mubi Brighenti, Francesco Gori & Cristina Mattiucci
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Luca Staccioli
Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti
- Editoriale / Editorial
- Francesco Gori, Il “Primitivo”. Lo spazio impuro della cultura
- Matteo Meschiari, Antispazi: Wilderness, Apocalisse, Utopia. (Costruire l’impuro, diffidarne)
- Alastair Donald, SARS and the City. 21st century epidemics and the anti-Modern imagination
- Thomas Mical, How formless processes and ultra-thin impurities activate transitive spaces
- Andrea Pavoni, Seeds of impurity
- Aide Esu, Hebron. Purity and the Impure in the Exclusionary City
- Andrea Mubi Brighenti, The Impure and The Intense