lo Squaderno no. 68 | Loop

lo Squaderno no. 68 – July 2024 | Loop

a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by // Nicolò Molinari and Andrea Pavoni
Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Stephen Loewinsohn

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

  1. Editorial
  2. Amedeo Policante, Cybergenetics. Life in the Control Loop
  3. Mattia Galeotti, Note su circuiti algoritmici e produzione di informazione
  4. Giulia Giorgi, Alessandro Gerosa, The ‘loop of loops’. The Recursive Dynamics of Videos on Social Media
  5. Luca Bertocci, “La tua domanda è troppo grande”. Come lasciare l’elefante nella stanza e non entrare in loop durante il dottorato
  6. Michele Garau, Rivolte contemporanee come agire destituente
  7. Arturo Castillon, Why We Riot. Ethical Loops in the George Floyd Uprising
  8. Mario Marasco, Looping strategies. Moral slippages between the certain and the uncertain in a Roman temporary housing area
  9. Matthew Archer, Strange loops and circular economies
  10. Lorenzo Tripodi, Loops of Change
  11. Erik Bordeleau, The Visual Logic of the Swirl. Or, How the Shape of an Economy is Recursive

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